The Super-Segmentals
ðə suprəsegmentals
"Suprasegmentals are characteristics of speech that involve larger units, such as syllables, words, phrases, or sentences. Among the suprasegmentals are stress, intonation, loudness, pitch level, juncture, and speaking rate." (Bernthal & Bankson, 2009)
Segmental Structure...
Vowels and consonants representing
utterances (sounds).
Suprasegmental Structure...
Vocal effects that extend over more than one sound segment in an utterance. The various properties of speech that go beyond segmental representation. Includes emphasis, emotion, loudness, rate changes.
In the 4th dimension human-beings are mere, discreet segments -- speech units -- phonemes.
Yet there are some who cannot be easily analyzed as distinct segments, belonging to a higher order. They're called... the Super-Segmentals